Inspirational stories in science, technology, ecology, arts, music, culture and current events.A Beautiful World
A Beautiful World is a program featuring news about whats working in the world. It’s a multi-platform program that seeks to cover positive trends and inspirational stories in science, technology, ecology, arts, music, culture and current events. A Beautiful World reports in-depth stories on stories and solid trends towards positive change.
The culture of ABW seeks to invest in a diverse range of communication management systems while harnessing the power of multiple media platforms. As we continue discussing the driving principles behind ABW, we will also continue focusing on shaping ABW content, and we want to hear from YOU about what’s working in the world. Please contact the show with story ideas at hmcelhatton@mpr.org.
Hosted by best-selling author and radio host Heather McElhatton, ABW focuses on storytellers and newsmakers exploring and finding solutions in today’s complicated world. To view and listen to all of the stories and full shows, visit our Story Bank. Or, click below to watch our intro video to learn more about ABW.
Heather McElhatton, the host of A Beautiful World, is a writer and independent producer whose work has appeared on Minnesota Public Radio. Her commentaries and stories have been heard nationally on This American Life, Marketplace, Weekend America and Sound Money. As a best-selling author, Heather has written several novels, including “Pretty Little Mistakes,” “A Million Little Mistakes,” “Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single,” and “Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Married.”